Tag Archives: Dick Durbin

1.4 Million Americans : Want #GunViolence to STOP

Last Thursday in Washington, D.C., I joined 30 OFA volunteers and three
gun violence survivors as they delivered our petition to Congress with
more than 1.4 million signatures — including yours. It was an amazing
day, and a reminder that we’re nowhere near done with this fight.

What impressed me most on Thursday was getting a chance to talk with survivors like Pam Simon, Sami Rahamim, and Lori Haas.

You’ll see in the video that these folks have turned their personal pain
into action, and a force for good. It’s enough to change hearts and

OFA volunteers got a chance to meet with a few leaders in Congress, like
Rep. Mike Thompson, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, and House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who asked all of us to keep fighting —
and even gave folks a few tips on how to keep the pressure on their
fellow lawmakers.

Senator Reid even tweeted: “Today, we received a petition from over 1.4
million Americans who demand action on background checks. This fight is
not over.”

I am more confident than ever that, if we keep working and making our
voices heard, we can and will win this. The petition delivery was a big
moment — but it’s not the end of this fight.

Watch the video and please, pass it along to anyone else who should see it and ask them to say they’re in, too:

mashup Monday &some News

just another rant …

A Gallup Poll done in April reported that if a vote were taken from We the People for the current members of Congress it would result in 32% voting for Democrats and 31% Republicans. If this is true, folks we definitely need to prepare for Election 2012. I gotta say given the number of folks who stayed home or voted right of center for the Midterms, it is important that those living in states engaging in voter suppression get the ID that will enable you to make your voice count. We all know there is so much more work to do, so much at stake and to be honest the thought of living under a Republican ruler makes me sick. I voted for and know that President Obama is the right one for the position of commander in chief and while my support continues beyond 2012. I do not always agree with what President Obama does and I still have questions about NAFTA, the Public Option and some other things that remain a mystery. I do know that the Democratic members of Congress have  either not wanted or are not able to go big or bold enough to move us into the 21st Century but given a choice for 2012 and fact is there is no option; we have to get Democrats back in control. The process of changing the way things get done on the Hill, policy and or making laws are not easy or pleasant but it should not be the reason for changing your attitude or your vote because of it.

Two years ago the HCR Bill, HR3962/HR3590 considered an impossible dream is surrounded by a lot of misinformation as well as being just one of several pieces of legislation that President Obama has presented, urged, and finally passed after much push back from the Republican Tea Party and some Conservadems. I wonder, do people remember the contentious dividing issues like that 15 Dems said they would oppose the HCR bill, that Senator Ben Nelson’s amendment to add abortion language like the stupak-pitts amendment, which, would probably block public or federal funds to women.  Thus blocking women the right to buy and or pay for their own insurance that may cover abortions and it may also penalize companies that include it in their HC plans; luckily, Congress tabled it. We also know that Lieberman wanted a Medicare buy in and HCR before he didn’t; and ended up showing how Politicians can easily put aside the rights of their constituents and fellow Americans by voting no, or that in the end the House passed HCR with the issue and problem being in the Senate

It is obvious the new HCR bill will improve the lives of many rather than a select few or keep the status quo. The fact is our President has done more to improve out state here in the US and the journey has been tough and quite long but what President Obama did in his 1st term is historic and a moment that everyone cannot possibly forget, unless you have been living under a rock or listening to the naysayers. The Media continues to speculate or re-enforce the negative impact on voting yes for good faith legislation that no doubt would be good but impacts all Americans; mocking President Obama’s so-called improbable agenda that includes climate change, immigration overhaul as well as stating that Democrats keep wavering on a votes.

This is a moment that the Democratic Party should be willing to create change that has been needed for quite some time and as the President has stated many times …if not now when -because we may never get this chance for a long time if ever.



Congress Has Full Week of Hearings Ahead


Joint Chiefs nominee, tax code among the topics




Greek Minister Speaks on Financial Crisis


Comes to Washington to meet with head of the IMF




Speaker Boehner Calls GOP Members Back to Washington


No deal with President Obama possible.




Other News …


Amy Winehouse Died in Bed with No Sign of Drugs Nearby


Somalia: U.N. Hosts Emergency Meeting

Sources: NFL, players reach deal to end lockout



Amanda Knox Appeal: No DNA Evidence Found on Murder Weapon




Split Personality Disorder





Four seats …

As Assistant Majority Leader, it’s my job to make sure Senate Democrats have the votes to stop extremist legislation. Things are about to get really busy around here.

Last week, House Republicans voted to defund health reform, eliminate money for reproductive care, slash nutrition for poor women and children and gut resources that keep our air and water clean. This is not cutting fat. These are bones – programs that keep our middle class standing.

Thanks to our Senate majority, we can stop their radical agenda. But with 23 seats up in 2012, compared with 10 for Republicans, we have a fight ahead. A net loss of four seats, and we lose our firewall.

Midnight Monday marks a crucial FEC deadline: All eyes will be on the DSCC’s fundraising numbers. $50,000 will help show that we can defend our Democratic firewall. Your donation now reflects our biggest strength – more than 90 percent of the DSCC’s donations come from grassroots supporters.


Republicans won the House by promising to focus like lasers on creating jobs. They have yet to put forward any job-creation plans – or explain how taking away health care, attacking women’s rights and targeting middle class families achieve this goal.

As long as we have our Senate firewall, Democrats can stop their radical legislation. But the GOP and its special interest friends are already on the attack. After the Citizens United decision, corporations are free to spend whatever they like in support of their preferred candidates. And attacks on working men and women by Republican governors weaken the Democratic base. Wisconsin is only the most recent example.

That makes what you do this minute all the more important. 90 percent of the DSCC’s donations come from grassroots donors who give $200 or less. Every dollar you give helps strengthen Democrats – and fight Republican extremists. Please act now to protect our Senate firewall.


From my seat in the Senate, I’m doing everything I can to stop the radical Republican agenda. But I can’t do it alone. What you do now matters. Help defend the firewall. Our future – our nation’s future – depends on it.


Sen. Dick Durbin

Are Democrats trying to lose? … from Democracy for America

Yesterday I was so excited that House Democrats blocked the extension of the Patriot Act, but now Senate Democrats are working day and night to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on Social Security.

Just weeks after President Obama declared that cuts to Social Security were off the table, the Wall Street Journal reports that Democratic Senators Dick Durbin and Kent Conrad are working with Republicans to resurrect the right-wing Deficit Commission’s proposals to cut Social Security and give huge new tax breaks to big corporations and the super rich.

This is ridiculous. Social Security is the backbone of the American middle class. It provides millions of seniors and disabled Americans the money they need to eat and pay rent in their greatest time of need. We must keep Social Security safe, stable and secure for them right now and for generations to come.

But it seems like some leaders just don’t get it, so we’re taking our campaign to the next level — television ads, polling, in-district rallies and events — whatever it takes to share the stories of DFA members and other Americans across the country who depend on Social Security.

We’re going to make sure that every American knows who is attacking Social Security and how to stop them, but we can’t make that happen without your support. Please contribute $10 right now to help make it happen.

Please contribute $10 right now so that every American knows who’s leading the attack on the American middle class.

Right-wing Republicans in the House have made gutting Social Security and destroying the middle class their top priority — and some Senate Democrats are saying “We have your back.”

We’re not going to let that happen. That’s why we’re building a huge national campaign to beat back this right-wing attack on the promise of Social Security to future generations.

Democracy for America depends on small contributions from its members across the country to get the job done. Please contribute today to fuel our aggressive campaign to win and keep Social Security safe, stable and secure.

Please contribute $10 now.

America is a community and we look out for one another. I know I can count on you.


Arshad Hasan, Executive Director

Democracy for America